New York State, the World’s 11th-Biggest Economy Pitches Renewable Energy For COVID-19 Recovery

This is the obvious no-brainer lemons to lemonade story if there ever was one…expect action at the state level, and sand in the gears from DC. We will see which force is more powerful…

“On Friday, April 3, New York announced the passage of enabling legislation for its new clean power plans. If that date rings a bell, April 3 is the same day that seven top oil and gas executives went to the White House to discuss the plight of their industry.”

“Don’t be surprised if other states embark on a similar plan to speed up renewable energy development…

…The pump is already primed for the idea to spread. New York is on the advisory board of the newly launched 100% Clean Energy Collaboration, a state-based effort that includes California as well as New York and other clean power leaders. The new initiative was announced by the Clean Energy States Alliance”

Thanks for your reporting, Tina Casey. To read the full piece, click here.
