Nextracker acquires Ojjo, Inc.

Today we acquired Ojjo, Inc., a solar foundation technology and product platform that we have collaborated with for many years. Ojjo’s initial product family is a patented killer app for putting solar foundations on rocky sites with a single touch, where the same machine drills, blows out dust, and drives a screw pile into the rock in a unified operation – resulting in a pile at exactly the right location and orientation. The integrated functionality minimizes construction equipment traffic and disturbance to solar sites which is an increasing requirement for construction permits across jurisdictions. Ojjo’s architecture employs a truss system that can reduce the total steel material and weight of the foundation by up to half, a significantly preferred solution from cost, logistics, and environmental impact perspectives.

Ojjo’s world-class technology and operations team, led by industry veterans Charles Almy, Steve Kraft, and Ian Capsuto have successfully commercialized this innovation, which has been proven on 8 utility scale projects from 70 MW to almost 1 GW, in extremely challenging sites. Ojjo has multiple repeat EPC and owner customers, which validates its practicality. In addition to a proven product for rock, the Ojjo team brings control system intellectual property that is broadly applicable to a range of machines to support other foundation solutions.

Since founding Nextracker Inc., we have provided foundation design services and materials on multiple continents, delivering scores of GWs. This acquisition furthers our successful global tracker foundation business with next gen differentiated tech. Customers value proven integrated solutions to improve project design, simplify procurement, and reduce risk for their projects. Ojjo solutions will be offered with Nextracker’s NX Horizon™ integrated solar tracker systems and advanced software solutions and will continue to be available to customers for use with other compatible solar trackers.

Thank you, outgoing Ojjo CEO Mike Miskovsky and founder Jack West for your leadership and contributions to growing this fantastic company. NXT is excited to expand our solution set to our valued customers for this next phase of growth!
