A Seminal Bifacial White Paper on Deep Empirical Testing of Various 1P Designs

Advancing understanding in the PV industry with solid testing in bifacial is meticulous, steady work. Every week for years, there is a standing meeting in my office, virtual or otherwise, with our all-star team geeking out on bifacial design and performance. Last week we published a seminal white paper on deep empirical testing of various 1P designs (see graph) and 1P vs 2P.

We are seeing customers using PVSyst input parameters like back-side shade factors that are wildly optimistic. Realistic factors are presented in the paper, available at https://info.nextracker.com/quantifying-your-bifacial-gains

“Our testing indicates that mono-PERC on one-in-portrait (1P) single-axis trackers provide bifacial gains of 6% under low-albedo conditions and 11% under high-albedo. These grid-connected test results are in good agreement with data from NREL and PVEL bifacial test sites.

Side-by-side test results further indicate that NX Horizon provides an additional 1.02% to 1.67% of DC-side bifacial gains as compared to other 1P single-axis tracker designs.
When using PVsyst to model bifacial gains with calibrated structure-specific inputs, we find a strong correlation between field-measured and PVsyst-modeled bifacial gains.”

